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Oro coloidal

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Desata los antiguos secretos de la vitalidad y la agilidad mental con nuestro suplemento de oro coloidal electrónico. Esta fórmula meticulosamente diseñada aprovecha los poderosos beneficios de las partículas de oro biodisponibles ultrapequeñas suspendidas en agua pura y alcalina.

Conocido por sus potentes propiedades nootrópicas y antiinflamatorias, el oro coloidal se ha utilizado durante siglos para promover el bienestar general. Nuestra mezcla única aprovecha esta sabiduría y ofrece un suplemento premium que respalda una mayor claridad mental, función cognitiva, equilibrio del estado de ánimo y salud de las articulaciones.

Cada dosis proporciona una concentración precisa de partículas de oro, lo que garantiza una absorción óptima y los máximos beneficios. Comience su día con el suplemento de oro coloidal electrónico y experimente los efectos transformadores de esta joya de bienestar oculta.


    Physical and Mental Well-Being:

    • Energy boost
    • Enhances a sense of well-being
    • Supports libido
    • Improves hand-eye coordination
    • Fosters creativity
    • Promotes a meditative state
    • Increases mental clarity, concentration, memory, and focus
    • Calms stress, anxiety, and depression while increasing energy

    Brain Function and Cognitive Enhancement:

    • Enhances IQ
    • Stimulates and activates endocrine glands
    • Activates enzyme metabolism
    • Improves brain activity
    • Increases brain's electrical signals between nerve cells
    • Supports and accelerates detoxification processes
    • Supports brain health and may assist in managing Alzheimer's disease and Dementia

    Physical Health Benefits:

    • Supports joint health and may help ease joint inflammation and pain
    • Aids in managing Rheumatoid Arthritis
    • Assists in managing restless leg syndrome
    • Supports nerve health and may help manage nerve damage
    • Enhances skin health and may assist in managing skin conditions
    • Supports the circulatory system
    • Accelerates recovery and regeneration
    • May support managing Rheumatoid vasculitis

    Emotional and Psychological Well-Being:

    • Acts as a natural antidepressant
    • Enhances mood and lifts spirits

    ❤️Oro coloidal que contiene oro puro 0,9999

    ❤️Suplemento mineral dietético totalmente natural.

    ❤️El producto contiene agua pura y nanopartículas de oro puro.

    ❤️No interactúa ni interfiere con ningún medicamento.

    ❤️Consiste únicamente en oro coloidal electrónico sin contenido iónico (no contiene cloruro de oro, que se sabe que es neurotóxico).

    ❤️Concentración de partículas de oro de 20 ppm.

    ❤️Nanopartículas de oro con un diámetro de 2-4 nanómetros

    ❤️Superficie de partículas más alta para máxima efectividad

    ❤️Las partículas de tamaño nanométrico garantizan la mayor biodisponibilidad de cualquier producto de oro coloidal.


    Tomar 1 gotero por la mañana con el estómago vacío, 15-20 minutos antes de las comidas. Los adultos pueden tomar hasta aproximadamente 2-3 goteros al día.
    El uso promedio de energía consume de 6 a 8 goteros por día.
    Los niños solo pueden tomar un gotero por cada 70 libras de peso corporal.
    *Dependiendo de las necesidades individuales, la dosis puede variar.


    Tomar 1 gotero por la mañana con el estómago vacío, 15-20 minutos antes de las comidas. Los adultos pueden tomar hasta aproximadamente 2-3 goteros al día.
    El uso promedio de energía consume de 6 a 8 goteros por día.
    Los niños solo pueden tomar un gotero por cada 70 libras de peso corporal.
    *Dependiendo de las necesidades individuales, la dosis puede variar.

    Completa el look:

    30 days risk free

    Free shipping on orders over $75


    Can children use colloidal gold

    Dosage recommendation: one per 70 pounds

    How does colloidal gold improve your sense of well-being?

    Colloidal gold may potentially enhance your well-being by interacting with the brain and nervous system. Gold then promotes relaxation and reduces stress contributing to an overall sense of contentment and well-being.

    What is hand-eye coordination and how does colloidal gold improve it?

    Hand-eye coordination is the ability to coordinate the visual information that your eyes perceive with the precise movements of your hands and fingers. It is a fundamental skill that enables you to perform tasks that require both visual perception and manual dexterity, such as catching a ball, playing a musical instrument, or even typing on a keyboard. While Colloidal improves brain function then is able to directly improve these particular motor skills

    Are your products 3rd party tested ?

    Yes, Independently verified for safety and efficacy in compliance with stringent standards, our products have undergone rigorous third-party testing conducted by certified laboratories designated by the US Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This ensures not only adherence to the highest industry standards but also confirms our commitment to delivering superior quality and reliability in every batch.

    What is the self life for colloidal gold ?

    The peak potency of our colloidal gold supplement lasts for the initial 12 months post-purchase.

    Customer Service

    Fast shipping

    All orders are fulfilled within 24 hours and shipped via ground or priority shipping. Delivery times vary by location, typically ranging from 2-5 days after purchase.

    Order tracking

    A tracking number will be provided post-order so you can track every step until it reaches your doorstep

    Get in touch

    Our customer representative is dedicated to assisting you 24/7 with any inquiries about our products and services.

    Tik Tok Reviews

    The body in fact is made up of colloids. Colloidal solutions is essential for all that is living. When absorb in colloidal form, these minerals allows us to make an extraordinary leap towards better health and wellbeing.

    Marie- France Muller M.D., N.D., Ph.D.
    Scientist, Doctor, and Author

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 30 reviews
    N.J. (Brooklyn, US)
    Best product on the market

    Five star I gave this also consistent is the key

    N.J. (Brooklyn, US)
    Best colloidal product

    Consistent is the key. This product is so amazing no joke tried


    Consistent is the key this product is so amazing. I’ve been taking this for almost 2 weeks now and i never felt this good . I will continue to use this product It help me a lot
    Based upon what I’ve been buying over the years, I never purchased a product that have so much affect like this. This is the best on the market

    C (Frederick, US)
    Your product is great

    I just recently bought the colloidal copper and already feel some result, I have also bought the colloidal iridium can't wait to try it that one as well when it comes. It tastes like nothing so it's easy to take it by the dropper instead of put it in a drink which I like. I also made a mistake on my address when I went to address it they quickly got back to me which I appreciate it. Once I get enough money I will definitely will be trying to get the bundle.

    Your product is great

    I just recently bought the colloidal copper and already feel some result, I have also bought the colloidal iridium can't wait to try it that one as well when it comes. It tastes like nothing so it's easy to take it by the dropper instead of put it in a drink which I like. I also made a mistake on my address when I went to address it they quickly got back to me which I appreciate it. Once I get enough money I will definitely will be trying to get the bundle.

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