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Highly Recommended By Every Day People Like You.
Arriving from a previous company where the product fell short of expectations, to discover a supplement that revolutionizes their well-being. Join the community of thousands individuals who are living their best life!
Can I take all supplements together
Feel free to combine or take each supplement separately, whichever is most convenient for you. Our entire collection is made with all-natural ingredients, perfect for integrating into your morning regimen.
When is the best time should I take your supplements?
To maximize the benefits, take the first dose in the morning before breakfast. Your metabolism is most active at this time, allowing for almost immediate effects like increased energy and vitality.
Can I give my pets any of your colloidal supplements?
Yes, many of our customers safely give certain colloidal supplements, like colloidal silver, to their pets. However, because every animal is unique, we recommend consulting with your veterinarian to ensure the proper element and dosage for your pet’s specific needs.
What is the best way to take colloidal supplements?
The best way to take colloidal supplements depends on the element and your personal wellness goals. In general, colloidal supplements are best taken on an empty stomach for optimal absorption. Simply hold the liquid under your tongue for 30 to 60 seconds before swallowing to allow for sublingual absorption, which helps deliver the elements directly into your bloodstream. You may also mix your colloidal supplements into juice, water or smoothies.